It's FREE for users to register and browse high level profiles. To SWAP profiles and unlock all features, there is a one off fee of £49.99. This gives unlimited access for unlimited time. No other costs involved. Hint: Look out for special promo codes.
Note: We are a non-profit organisation run by volunteers. All money generated by this website will be used for deen related activities.
No. User personal details are kept hidden until you agree to SWAP profiles. Up until that point, you will only see high level profiles with non-identifiable information.
If both users agree to SWAP profiles, the following information is revealed automatically to both users:
Contact details are kept hidden.
When you SEND a request to SWAP profiles, your high level profile is shared with the user. Your name and other identifiable information are kept hidden. If the user agrees to a 'SWAP' then both profiles including name, photo and parents names will be shared automatically.
SWAP means to exchange your information with another user in return for theirs. The information includes your name and photo. This process is automated and occurs when both users agree to the SWAP.
If you have obtained a special promo code then use the following steps to use it:
At this point you will be prompted to 'Complete your Profile', this includes the payment screen. After completing your profile you will have upgraded to a full account with unlimited access for unlimited time.
You will receive an email confirming their decline decision. They will then appear on the 'Decline' section of your 'My SWAPs/MEETs' page. You will no longer see them in your search and you won't be able to access their profile.
The persons profile will be moved to your 'Declined' tab on the My SWAPs/MEETs page. They will no longer be able to view your profile or send a request for a profile SWAP. If you change your mind and want to SWAP profiles then you can do so.
If you believe that a user is providing incomplete or erroneous information or has deliberately not included a photo then please contact us so we can ask the user to rectify. Report Issue
We understand that arranging a meeting can sometimes be difficult or awkward therefore we have given our users 2 options:
If you both agree to 'MEET' then the following will happen automatically:
From this point onward we leave it in your capable hands to arrange a meeting (within Shariah boundaries). If you have a success then please de-activate your profile, if it doesn't work out, there is always plenty more SWAPPING you can do.
The user will receive a notification asking whether they also agree to MEET with help from IEC. If they also agree then our back office team would receive a notification. Our team will then contact you both and mutually agree a time and location for your initial meeting. Our team will help arrange but will not be present in the meeting. We request that you take a chaperone to any meeting and remain within boundaries of Shariah.
We advise that you review and provide information in the 'About me' section to help promote your profile.
No. Upon success you can close your account and no other costs are involved.
However, as we are a non-profit organisation who run a Masjid and a Madrasa, we welcome any donations and support you can give. Visit for more info.
Please resize your photo and try again. We have a limit on the photo size therefore sometimes the photo will require cropping or resizing before uploading.
A chaperone is a person who assists in the marriage making process either by overseeing the process or coming along with you to a meeting. This is typically a parent or an older sibling. For the purposes of our website we capture chaperone details so that they can be informed if a meeting is agreed between two users. It's also a fail safe to ensure our website is not misused.
We only email the chaperones if a successful meeting is arranged.
You have 14 days after you receive a request for a MEET to respond. If you do not respond by 14 days then the status will change to 'Decline'.
14 days gives you enough time to do any research or background checks you want to.
Once you receive a request to SWAP profiles, you have 3 days to respond. If you do not respond in 3 days the system will automatically reset the request and the user will have to resend the SWAP request.
If you see SWAP requests that you didn't send, changes to your profile photo, profile text, or login information etc then it is possible that your profile may have been hacked. If you think this has happened to you, then please contact our Support team.
To delete your account, you will need to be logged in. Under your 'NAME' tab select profile and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Close Your Account'. If you wish to re-activate your account within 30 days, you will need to contact our Support team. Outside of 30 days you will need to register again as IEC Marriage will remove all your data.
To recover your password, you can request a new password using the Forgot password feature.
Use a picture where you are clearly visible, ideally with no one else in the photo. Remember this is used during the profile SWAP.
If you wish to report a user to our Support team due to suspicious activity or any other reason, please contact our Support team.
No. This is a unique feature of our website where it does not allow instant messaging. Our process is carefully designed to consider traditional values.
We ensure every profile adheres to our terms and conditions, which are maintained throughout the site. If we find any user in breach of our terms and conditions, their membership will be terminated and their data removed from our portal.
If you have accidentally made a mistake e.g. Accepted a SWAP when you didn't intend to, then please use the Report Issue page to inform us. Please provide full information and we will try to reverse the incorrect action.
Stuck on something? Send us a message